In the world of email communication, making sure your emails arrive where they are intended isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Personal inbox settings, corporate servers and a myriad of other barriers can block your mail from getting where it needs to go.
So, how do you ensure your send outs have the best chance at success? The key to a well-crafted email campaign hinges on the quality of your content. When applying best-practice for event management, online registrations and event planning, always look to use unique, authentic content that you have written and developed yourself. So too, look to craft your email in such a way that it is going to catch the eye of the guest. While this doesn’t necessarily guarantee that the email will hit the inbox of your guest, it does improve the chances that you will have designed a great invite for online event registrations, increasing the likelihood that this is seen as a unique email campaign.
Using the above steps as a guide, you can rest assured that the email you are creating has the greatest chance of delivery. So too, Digital Ticketing recommends the following tried-and-true methods for ensuring your digital ticketing experience is seamless:
Of course, there is always a chance that some emails bounce or drop. For that reason, we highly recommend using our Invitation Statistics module to keep an eye on those guests that might miss some of your email communications. As you look to be as strategic as possible with your email campaigns, utilising this module, alongside our event reports module, gives you the best possible chance to gain a full understanding of your online event registration process and status.
In this day and age, all email invites can’t be guaranteed to be seen by your guests. For this purpose, we developed the Guest Communications module. What this allows you to do is to reach out to your guests at any time throughout the event lead up process (of course, we recommend not pestering your guests too much!). Using the guest communications module is a great way to send reminders, send out unique messages to your guests and ensure that all guests are kept up-to-date as your event draws nearer. With the option to send both email and SMS, this affords you full capability to contact your guests in the most efficient manner (note: SMS are charged on a per SMS rate, and will be invoiced to you separately).
So too, there are the inevitable requests that come in from guests that have not received their invite. For this purpose we created both the Invite Statistics module and the Add Attendee module. The first allows you to RSVP on behalf of guests by selecting the “Invited Guests” tab and clicking “RSVP. The second allows you to add guests directly to your event, bypassing the invite process. Of course, both of these scenarios hinge on a guest having not received an email invite, or being added to your event at a later stage, therefore, the ultimate control is granted to be able to do this at any time.
Last but not least, there’s nothing better than being able to ask a question! When designing an invite, there are myriad options available to you. So, if you get stuck, have a question, want to test your invite or simply want to check-in with the Digital Ticketing team, you can reach us at the help site or [email protected] for all your event management, planning, registration, and organisation needs!
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